alle Pressemitteilungen sowie Pressetexte aus der Vergangenheit

Main priorities for the Digital Commerce Sector in 2023
Today, as we celebrate Ecommerce Europe’s 10-year anniversary, we are thrilled to present our priorities for the year...

Task force on the opening up of the UPU to wider postal sector players
Consultation on Principles for CC enhancement. Response by logistic-natives e.V., member of the UPU Consultative...

Concerns on extension of withdrawal button to all distance sales without proper impact assessment
Ms. Lenka DupákováChair of the Council’s Working Party on Consumer Protection and Information Members of the Council’s...
Präsentation logistic-natives e. V.
Hier könnt ihr euch díe Präsentation herunterladen.
Presentation logistic-natives e. V.
Here you can download the presentation.
logistic-natives e.V. is a new member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU)
Press release Berlin, May 23, 2022 The logistic-natives e.V., the international network for logistics and...
logistic-natives e.V. ist neues Mitglied des Weltpostvereins (WPV)
Pressemitteilung Berlin, den 23.05.2022 Der logistic-natives e.V., das internationale Netzwerk für Logistik und...
Press Release – Commission misses the mark on VBER revision: SMEs are faced with unworkable rules
11 May 2022 PRESS RELEASE Commission misses the mark on VBER revision: SMEs are faced with unworkable rules Yesterday,...
logistic-natives e. V. startet Praxisinitiative „datengeschützte Ökologisierung des modernen Handels“
Datengestützte Ökologisierung des modernen Handels logistic-natives e.V. startet Praxisinitiative "datengestützte...
Data Act: a strict regulatory regime will not help create a competitive EU data economy
Press Release23 February 2022 Data Act: a strict regulatory regime will not help create a competitive EU data economy...
Pressemitteilung – Auswirkungen des EU-E-Commerce-Pakets
Pressemitteilung Regensburg, 10. Februar 2022 Online-Händler:innen sehen Nutzen des EU-E-Commerce-Pakets...
Hintergrundinformationen der logistic-natives zum Thema: Poststandardisierung – eine strategische Priorität für die Europäische Union
Hintergrundinformationen der logistic-nativeszum Thema: Poststandardisierung – eine strategische Priorität fürdie...
Background information logistic-natives: Postal Standardization – a strategic priority of the European Union
Background information logistic-natives: Postal Standardization – a strategic priority of the European UnionThe annual...

Florian Seikel
Managing Director
Tel. +49 162-2561001