logistic-natives e.V. is a new member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU)

Press release
Berlin, May 23, 2022
The logistic-natives e.V., the international network for logistics and infrastructure in modern trade, has been a member of the Universal Postal Union since last Friday.
The Universal Postal Union, by resolution of the plenary session of the Council of Administration (representative body of the member states of the Universal Postal Union), had granted logistic-natives e.V.’s application for membership in the Consultative Committee) of the Universal Postal Union on Friday. This makes logistic-natives e.V. the only multi-national German association that is a member of the Universal Postal Union according to the existing rules and rights.
The Universal Postal Union was founded in 1874. It has been a specialized agency of the United Nations since 1948. The organization includes 192 states; located in Bern.
„We can implement our self-image of actively shaping the market in a pragmatic way thanks to the unique position that we have gained through this membership. We have been working towards this moment since our founding in 2020.“
The logistic-natives e.V. actively supports the goal of the Universal Postal Union to deepen the communication between people on a social, cultural and commercial level through an efficient supply of postal services.
logistc-natives and the Universal Postal Union will start global pilots/projects to ensure the best possible supply of customers with postal services and the smooth international transport of postal items.
E-commerce and modern commerce play a decisive role in this.
„In joint projects, we will strengthen global eCommerce and enable fair competition within the framework of the current political guidelines. We will leave the added value in the region and strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s).”
The logistic-natives e.V. invites all interested companies and institutions to join our international network, to work together and to benefit directly from the knowledge advantage and the extraordinary design possibilities – for example in the Universal Postal Union.
Find the Press release here (PDF)

Florian Seikel
Managing Director
Tel. +49 162-2561001