Aktuelle News
aus der Branche und von unseren Mitgliedern / Partnern

Wachstumschancengesetz verabschieden. Wir fordern die Auflösung der Blockade im Bundesrat.
Wachstumschancengesetz verabschieden.Wir fordern die Auflösung der Blockade im Bundesrat. Berlin, 18.02.2024 An...

Swift adoption of VAT in the Digital Age in the current mandate
In a joint letter co-signed with EuroCommerce, we have asked the ECOFIN Council led by the Belgian Presidency of the...

Pressemitteilung – Berufsverband Hauswirtschaft.
22. Januar 2023Bürgerrat Ernährung: Der Berufsverband Hauswirtschaft begrüßt die Empfehlungen Von den neun am Sonntag...
Expand your reach to Canada
Expand your reach to Canada and tap into one of the world's richest markets! 🇨🇦 With Spring GDS's DDP solution, you...
Product Liability Directive: European industry calls for a major rethink
Ecommerce Europe co-signed an industry letter on the Product Liability Directive ahead of the start of the trilogue...
AEB Tech Summit
Our first ever Tech Summit came to life last friday and around 90 colleagues listened to sessions about Kubernetes,...
LivingPackets is member of the GENERATE network
📢 LivingPackets is proud to be a member of the GENERATE network! 💪 We are delighted to announce our participation in...
Parcel + Post EXPO | Amsterdam
It’s Here – Your Full 62-Page Showguide – A – Z Exhibitor Listings for This Record-Breaking Show – follow the link to...
bpost at Transport & Logistics 2023 in Antwerp
Do you have logistics questions about shipping and/or receiving your parcels? We will be happy to give you answers at...
Spring GDS – delivery solutions
Get your business on track this year with Spring GDS! Our Delivery, Returns and Customs Clearance Solutions are...
Digital Gipfel 2023 in Jena
Sicheren Sie sich noch eines der letzten Tickets zum #DigitalGipfel in Jena!„Digitale Transformation in der...
Wieso brauchen Websites starken Kontrast?
Scrollen, surfen, liken, posten: Knapp 1,2 Mio. blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen in Deutschland (Stand 2005) sind...
Marianna Kravchenko – three weeks business trip to Germany
1 week passed since I arrived home after my 3 weeks business trip to wonderful green and SUSTAINABLE Germany.It was an...

Florian Seikel
Managing Director
Tel. +49 162-2561001