Aktuelle News
aus der Branche

CEFTA Expert Group on Customs E-commerce
(Picture: Open Regional Fund for South- East Europe - Foreign Trade / LinkedIn) In a recent meeting, the CEFTA Expert...

An obligation to indicate online a product passport linked to a specific batch number is impractical and unduly burdens economic operators
Ecommerce Europe and other co-signatories drafted a joint statement on the European Commission's proposed regulation...

Jahresabschlussveranstaltung des Logistikportal Niedersachsen e.V.
(Bild: LNC LogisticNetwork Consultants GmbH / LinkedIn) CEO Stefan Schröder präsentiert heute im Rahmen der...
5. Ausgabe der 💥Retail Startup Night
(Bild: Gerald (Handelsverband) / LinkedIn) What A Night 🚀 Gestern haben wir gemeinsam mit dem Austria...
Deutscher Logistik-Preis in Berlin – Silber für Green Delivery Hamburg
(Bild: Marco Schlüter (Hermes) / LinkedIn) In der Logistik braucht man viel Herzblut und Durchhaltevermögen. Denn...
BVDW-Themenwoche DATA:matters – Datennutzung in Deutschland
(Bild: BVDW / LinkedIn) Datennutzung in Deutschland – Warum eigentlich nicht? 🤨 In der BVDW-Themenwoche DATA:matters...
The UPU World Leaders Forum | discussion on the most promising strategies for the post to become a leader in logistics and cross-border eCommerce
(Picture: UPU / LinkedIn) The UPU World Leaders Forum kicked off today with a rich discussion on the most promising...
HUB.ONE is in Amsterdam, getting all set for #ParcelPostEXPO 2023
PARCEL.ONE is proud to introduce the new solution HUB.ONE ONE dynamic equipped logistics HUB for parcels and returns...
Parcel + Post EXPO | Amsterdam
It’s Here – Your Full 62-Page Showguide – A – Z Exhibitor Listings for This Record-Breaking Show – follow the link to...
Digital Gipfel 2023 in Jena
Sicheren Sie sich noch eines der letzten Tickets zum #DigitalGipfel in Jena!„Digitale Transformation in der...
Marianna Kravchenko – three weeks business trip to Germany
1 week passed since I arrived home after my 3 weeks business trip to wonderful green and SUSTAINABLE Germany.It was an...

Florian Seikel
Managing Director
Tel. +49 162-2561001