Shaping the future is hard(ware)!

von | Dez 11, 2023 | News, News aus der Branche

Germany is known as a country of innovation. Think of cars, X-ray technology, the MP3 format or lithium-ion batteries. Fueling our shift towards a sustainable economy now demands a new type of innovation.

When looking at different industries and established companies today, many focus their efforts on research and development to improve existing products and processes. This makes embracing disruptive concepts difficult.

Enter startups — a catalyst for change, ideas, and the speed of innovation. However, a staggering annual funding gap of 1.8 billion for hardware climate startups in Germany is making it hard for them to scale effectively 🤯.

So, how can we help these capital-intensive startups scale? To answer this, our Partner Fridtjof joined the Sustainable Finance-Beirat of the German government.

In a joint study led by Elisabeth L. and Fridtjof, they outlined what’s necessary for startups to contribute more effectively to combating climate change and the barriers in financing we need to overcome.

👉 Get the full story in Philipp Krohn’s article in the latest edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (🇩🇪 only):


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Florian Seikel

Florian Seikel

Managing Director

Tel. +49 162-2561001

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