The Green Last Mile Report – Turning a blind eye to the facts:
The report is an excellent initiative and the concept of expanding the scope to include projects around Europe is great.
It comes as no surprise that the Last Mile Experts are very one-sided in their argumentation to promote OOH, especially APMs. New is the usage of Bart de Maeres’ quite outdated data.
From a scientific point of view the report is not exactly brilliant. Assumptions are not explained, data is cherry picked but nevertheless presented as “the /a truth”. Should the reader not understand the assumptions and calculations, then they are based on “the authors long experience in logistics”.
In a blurry mix of statements and assumptions calculations are done (or not) resulting in circle references.
Definitions are changing depending on issue discussed, and the various authors are using different assumptions and definitions.
I have only reviewed the part on Last Mile solutions, and the result is frustrating. If we really wanted to effectively reduce carbon emissions through sustainable solutions, smoke screens like this report should be avoided.
Quote Mr. Guterres: (Sustainability) Problems are solved by dealing with facts, not fiction.
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Jesper Okkels