Task force on the opening up of the UPU to wider postal sector players

Consultation on Principles for CC enhancement. Response by logistic-natives e.V., member of the UPU Consultative Committee.
At S2, the Council of Administration endorsed the approach on institutional reform proposed by the task force, with a view to developing proposals for enhancing the Consultative Committee that can be submitted to the 2023 Extraordinary Congress for approval.
Based on a table, possible options for enhancement of the Consultative Committee were presented at a task force meeting December 2nd. To narrow these options down to provide a consensus proposal, stakeholders were asked to provide input until the first week of January 2023.
1) Reporting line within UPU structure chart
Logistic-natives e.V., supports the “Option 1-2: Institutionally report to both CA and POC (current reporting in the POC has no legal basis)”
• UPU CC should formally provide its input to both the CA and POC, to enhance discussion of operational and technical issues, as well as related legal and regulatory implications.
• Reporting in line with the existing Rules of Procedures in place, that would apply to the UPU CC as well, enhances scope for structured tailored input, which would satisfy the needs of WPSPs, not only as shown in stakeholder surveys, but also necessary for the further development of the postal sector as such.
• Given the current reporting structure and existing rules of procedure, whereas decisions by the POC effecting legal and regulatory matters have to be presented and adopted by the CA, logistic-natives e.V. does not believe that there is a risk of conflicting decisions at CA and POC, based on inputs from CC.
• Potentially the UPU CC inputs may not being fully considered in the POC due to potentially competing interests with Dos. However, the reporting as such will give evidence of issues discussed and potentially lead to the attention of the CA members and eventually to the Congress.
2) Membership composition
Logistic-natives e.V., supports the “Option 2-2: Expansion of membership to include some other notable entities such as academia and research institutions”
• Already during the first 6 months of the “new UPU CC”, it became apparent that increased inclusivity and formal acknowledgement of such entities.
• The UPU CC enjoys a broad definition of potential members and observers, one may argue that “academia and research institutions” are already included in the potential membership structure. However, it might need further clarification, when it comes to the membership class and fee structure applicable.
3) Process for approval of membership applications
Logistic-natives e.V., supports the “Option 3-2: Direct application without endorsement/ authorization by national authority in the first instance”
• This would be a transparent, open procedures, leading to an equal treatment of all WPSPs
4) Current CC structure
Logistic-natives e.V., supports the “Option 4-2: CC chapters for each cycle will exactly mirror required/relevant committee structures of the CA and POC. Members of a particular chapter will be able to participate directly as observers in meetings of its corresponding CA/POC body, e.g. creation of a single supply chain chapter to provide input and engage with POC Committee 1 (Supply Chain) and its subsidiary bodies”
• Explicit 1:1 relationship between CA/POC and CC would enables direct engagement, but also maintains the diversity of input
• Less administrative confusion in terms of linkages between CA/POC and CC, as well as consistency of work and knowledge transfer when initiating certain new developments and harmonization efforts in the sector
• The current RoP shall be used to limit any unfiltered input adding to the workload of CA/POC bodies
• To keep the efficiency of the meeting high, the UPU CC shall use a new structured instrument of communication and contribution to the POC/CA bodies, the OPINION developed on UPU CC chapter level (even allowing the communication of diverse views onto various topics)
5) Representation and attendance at meetings of committees, standing bodies, task forces, expert teams and working groups
Logistic-natives e.V., supports the “Option 5-2: Switch the current default process. CC members can attend all meetings of POC/CA committees and their subsidiary bodies (such as standing groups, task forces, expert teams and working groups) freely. Chair(s) of such subsidiary bodies to retain the right to deny access subject to consultation and approval process”
• This approach would follow the principle of transparency and enabling inclusiveness and diversity of views
• It also facilitates continued control over sensitive and confidential issues, as it gives the Chairpersons of UPU groups the right to deny access subject to consu
6) Submissions (formal or informal; how are decisions taken in respect of such submissions)
Logistic-natives e.V., supports the “Option 6-2: Provide CC representative/rapporteur with institutionalized rights. Use of three potential instruments: i. Reports for information on CC initiatives; ii. Opinions on issues of interest tabled for the consideration of the relevant POC/CA bodies. Such opinions must be considered and decided upon by the POC/CA body before it makes any decision on the related question; iii. Recommendations to Congress and POC/CA bodies. These do not require formal consideration and feedback“
• The three potential instruments would enlivens the role of the CC, and would stimulate the internal discussion with the thematic chapters reflecting the cycle specific business plans and deliverables given by the UPU member countries to the UPU bodies
• Given the three different levels of instruments, this would lead to a better integration of the CC into the UPU’s decision-making processes, leading to a more positive and impactful relationship between the various bodies of the UPU
• Adapting the RoP it would also lead to a structured input and decision making
• Finally, given that the CC representative /rapporteur would represent the results of an UPU CC internal decision process to the other UPU Bodies (including potentially diverse positions on certain topics within the UPU CC), it would help to build consensus with the sector.
You can download the Statement here (PDF)

Florian Seikel
Managing Director
Tel. +49 162-2561001