More moor: AEB supports rewetting of the Pfrunger-Burgweiler Ried peatland

Fast facts: Peatlands are among the most effective carbon stores in the world. Although they cover only three percent of the land surface, peatlands store a full 30 percent of all terrestrial carbon – far more than forests, for example. But year after year, huge peatlands around the world are drained to make the land usable for agriculture and forestry or to use the peat directly as a raw material. Protecting peatlands is therefore of crucial international importance – for people and nature.
Therefore – and in addition to the investments with which AEB offsets its own CO2 emissions – AEB provides financial support to the foundation Stiftung Naturschutz Pfrunger-Burgweiler Ried in southern Germany. The money enabled it to acquire a 1.5-hectare area in the Pfrunger-Burgweiler Ried peatland. The piece of land was used to create a buffer zone around the peatland. However, the area also served as a multiplier, as the buffer zone enabled the foundation to rewet an area of 16 hectares overall.
The Pfrunger-Burgweiler Ried peatland is the second largest moor in southwest Germany. The moor not only stores a lot of carbon dioxide, but also provides a safe refuge for numerous endangered animals and plants. As far back as in 2010, a population of about 670 plant species, 39 mammal species, and about 210 bird species were already recorded in the project area. Numerous amphibians and insects complement this rich biotope.
The moor not only stores large amounts of carbon dioxide and provides a refuge for numerous endangered animal and plant species, but is also a fascinating destination for excursions. At AEB, all interested colleagues and their families have the opportunity to experience the peatland in all its glory up close. The very special landscape offers numerous hiking trails, a nearly 39-meter-high observation tower, and a nature conservation center to enjoy and learn more.
If you want to visit the Pfrunger Ried or want to support it as well, you can find more information here (unfortunatily only in German):
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