Even with the latest more balanced IPC report on parcel lockers there are a lot of open answers around the last mile delivery options and their impact on the environment.
The EU, national governments, cities and communities are all looking to lower emissions, and with the development of more and more products being distributed by CEP carriers, the last mile will become a major emission factor.
Having read a lot of studies over the last couple of years, iIt seems that by limiting the scope of the studies, the results of this research do not give conclusive answers for politicians and city planners to act upon, instead the conclusions often just open more questions than have been answered.
I would therefore like to propose a joint effort with scientist from more countries with representatives from carriers, online shops and advocates for PUDOs, public parcel lockers and residential parcel boxes etc., to support research to get some or all the open questions answered as far as this is possible. Could also be one lead scientist with assistance from across Europe.
Research scope:
Please see comments
Financing of the research should be publicly based (EU or State programs) to avoid financially strong companies to influence the work and thereby the results
I suggest getting scientist from Scandinavia, the low countries, Germany, France, UK and Eastern Europe to join, as many carriers as possible, associations representing the online shops, locker producers, parcel box producers, PUDO software companies and other relevant organizations and associations.
Associations representing cities and communities should, where possible, be a part of the project as well.
Any ideas on how to proceed?
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Jesper Okkels