AEB Tech Summit

von | Okt 18, 2023 | Events, News, News Mitglieder

Our first ever Tech Summit came to life last friday and around 90 colleagues listened to sessions about Kubernetes, the future of Angular development, SRE, machine learning trends and much more. The goal was to get everybody together that deals with developing and running our software on a daily basis. To open a space for learning and sharing expertise.

What were the secret ingredients to make this event awesome?

1. Get those enthusiastic colleagues – From just a pitch to holding our first in-house tech gathering with 13 sessions in one day. It wouldn’t have been possible without a various group of people who loved the idea and fueled it in the last months. Finding and motivating speakers, setting up the agenda and communcating about the event.

2. Create a good atmosphere – With great ideas, motivated supporters and many people happy to share their knowledge. And doing so by hosting sessions.

3. Find the perfect day, which might just be friday the 13th – But for real, the perfect date doesn’t exist. Spend time and energy on making this as good as possible, but don’t try to be a perfectionist. At some point it will be up to chance.

4. Enjoy the feeling when it all takes place. Thanks to everybody who made this happen and to our guest speakers from SySS GmbH and envite consulting 

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Dr. Ulrich Lison

Dr. Ulrich Lison


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