6 global trends which show how digitalization is reshaping the global delivery of B2C items
1. 90% of all #ecommerce #deliveries are made by 10% of #CEP operators
Larger or more resilient #operators have benefited from #COVID-19 disruptions, able to thrive in a challenging #supplychain environment.
2. More than 50% of all retail items are managed via an interconnected transcontinental supply chain #infrastructure
International B2C delivery #networks used to deliver items to #consumers will combine #cargo and domestic #lastmiledelivery solutions (i.e., B2B2C) and reflect the individual #preferences of recipients. International #postal delivery services will be reshaped with the #emergence of efficient and interconnected networks (#parcel delivery super-highways).
3. Tracked volumes in the end-to-end Universal Postal Union (#UPU) network have fallen by 50% over the past 2 years
The new postal #remuneration system/harmonized #customs and #importduties for the #sector as a whole (i.e., EU #VAT Ecommerce Package) has made the UPU #network economically less attractive for #postaloperators. As a result, #postalvolumes have been pushed into #bilateral and #multilateral #agreements, and direct induction at destination delivery models.
4. The majority of B2C items are delivered using harmonized electronic data exchanged in advance (#EAD). This data follows the UPU-WCO #global postal model and complements customs, import duties, #transportsecurity and #productsafety #regulations worldwide
Large portions of #internationaldata on items delivered are no longer copied into the #UPU #monitoring systems, while #digitalization follows the path created by the special #UN organizations (UPU, ITU, WCO, ICAO, …)
5. Pre-lodging #electronic documents at item level allows forward harmonization of data for all freight and transport modes
The #sustainable, speedy, #efficient, and #secure delivery of B2C items (ecommerce) relies on interchangeable #networks supported by all freight and transport modes. Electronic freight #transport systems which enable seamless interconnectivity will emerge as #regional and global infrastructures of „federated platforms“, constituting #competitiveadvantages for the economies in which they operate.
6. #Sustainablepackaging and the globally harmonized measuring, #accounting, and #reporting of CO² and #GHG #emissions will be achieved using #data which is already available
The ecologically-sound #delivery of #B2C items will be driven by #consumers demanding cleaner/more #sustainable choices. #Retail and #deliveryoperators will be required to #report/demonstrate that their #services comply with directly applicable #measuring #standards and #global reporting schemas.
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Walter Trezek
Document Exchange Network GmbH