Your product fleet, with peace of mind

Manage all your LivingPackets products wherever they are in the world with one platform. You can go from a full view to a detailed view on each of them.
With one click, access all your LivingPackets products and organize them by recipient, address, account etc… A single platform that allows you to save time every day.
A service to discover in its entirety on our dedicated page
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Gemeinsam für einen starken Mittelstand
Fahrplan für eine zukunftsfähige Wirtschaftspolitik 12-Punkte-Plan der Mittelstandsallianz des BVMW für die anstehenden Koalitionsverhandlungen und nächste Legislaturperiode. Fahrplan 2030:Was für den Mittelstand wichtig ist Wettbewerb Digitalisierung Arbeitsmarkt...

Commission’s E-commerce Communication prioritises Level Playing Field but leaves questions unanswered
Commission’s E-commerce Communication prioritises Level Playing Field but leaves questions unanswered PRESS RELEASE Feb 05, 2025 Today, the European Commission released its Communication on safe and sustainable e-commerce, addressing the critical issue of ensuring a...
Commission’s E-commerce Communication prioritises Level Playing Field but leaves questions unanswered
Commission’s E-commerce Communication prioritises Level Playing Field but leaves questions unanswered PRESS RELEASE Feb 05, 2025 Today, the European Commission released its Communication on safe and sustainable e-commerce, addressing the critical issue of ensuring a...
Ecommerce Europe publishes its updated position on the Customs reform and third-country imports
Ecommerce Europe publishes its updated position on the Customs reform and third-country imports Ecommerce Europe published a new position paper on the Union Customs Code revision and the third-country imports. E-commerce goods directly imported by consumers in the EU...