
logistic-natives e.V., an associative partner of Ecommerce Europe, in collaboration with BdKEP e.V. were appointed by the European Commission as observer among 12 European wider sector representatives in the newly established sub-group 3 of the „Digitization in Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF)“.

Sub-group 3 assists the Commission in drafting the delegated acts that set out legally required information that falls within the scope of the electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI Reg).

The EU Member States develop the legal framework on eFTI Reg for the electronic transmission of legally required information between the companies concerned and the responsible authorities in connection with the transport of goods in the area the union. The aim is to promote the digitisation of freight transport and logistics services, reduce administrative costs, improve the enforcement capabilities of the competent authorities and the efficiency and sustainability of transport.

Download the Announcement as PDF here

Florian-Seikel - Geschäftsführer

Florian Seikel

logistic-natives e.V.

Telefon: +49 162 2561001

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