UPU Consultative Commitee: ready to represent the wider postal sector

von | Juni 14, 2022 | News, News Mitglieder

Postal #stakeholders that are not #public #postal operators, designated by the Universal Postal Union (#UPU) member #countries, or postal #regulators can now add their voice to the UPU’s deliberations through the Consultative Committee (#CC). The Committee represents the interests of the wider postal sector and provides a #framework for #effective dialogue.

The Consultative Committee offers two types of #membership, each with its own particular benefits and fees:

· Non-governmental organizations wishing to apply for membership of the CC (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of #fees defined by the CC)
· #Individual #companies wishing to apply for membership of the CC (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of fees defined by the CC) in one of the following three categories:

o Gold member
o Silver member
o Bronze member

Six thematic chapters have been established to complement the new structure of the Consultative Committee, as of 1 July 2022:

1. #Policy and #regulations: liaison with CA C 2 and the POC C 1 Standards Board;
2. #Freight and #transport: liaison with the POC C 1 Transport Group (and subgroups for different transport modes);
3. #Customs and #productsecurity: liaison with the POC C 1 Customs Group and Postal Security Group;
4. Addressing and #directmarketing: liaison with the POC C 1 Addressing Group and POC C 3 Direct Marketing Advisory Board;
5. E-commerce: liaison with CA C 3, POC C 2 and POC C 3; and
6. #Postal financial services: liaison with POC C 4.

The work of the CC will be conducted according to these thematic chapters, which reflect the membership structure of the CC. Each thematic chapter will be represented by a rapporteur. The rapporteur will be elected and appointed by the CC to:

i. represent the thematic chapter,
ii. present any opinions developed by the CC and provide input to the relevant CA and POC commit­tees and working groups,
iii. report to the CC and its members, and 
iv. propose appropriate responses to and positions on work proposals and working drafts. Sub-themes and sub-rapporteurs may be created in the #future.

Any requests for membership of the CC, as submitted by the entities or high-level figures, shall be accompanied by the prior written #authorization or #recommendation of the corresponding #Union member country and will be processed by the CC #secretariat.

Visit home page of the Consultative Committee

Click here for the LinkedIn-Article.

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Walter Trezek

Walter Trezek

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