Today, in the IMCO Committee Working Group, MEPs will hear experts’ input on targeted advertising on online platforms.
Ecommerce Europe stresses the great importance that targeted advertising has for #SMEs, and a full ban would have far reaching negative consequences on the competitiveness of small retailers.
Ecommerce Europe believes that instead of introducing a ban or severe limitations, legislation should focus on improving transparency, encouraging industry initiatives aimed at further transparency and ensuring equal competitive opportunities for businesses by stimulating proper enforcement of the existing rules.
Read our Joint Statement on Targeted Advertisement and the DSA here
About Ecommerce Europe
Ecommerce Europe is the sole voice of the European Digital Commerce sector. As a result of joining forces with EMOTA, Ecommerce Europe now represents, via its 25 national associations, more than 100,000 companies selling goods and services online to consumers in Europe. Ecommerce Europe acts at European level to help legislators create a better framework for online merchants, so that their sales can grow further.