von | Juli 5, 2021 | News, Verbandspositionen

Apr 20, 2021


Participate in a survey on European Consumer Returns in e-commerce!

With the increasing success of e-commerce, returns are also becoming more and more important. Against this background, Ecommerce-Europe has started a cooperation with the University of Bamberg (Germany) to support their first international study on returns management.

The aim of the study is to determine key figures (e.g., returns rates, costs, recycling options) and make them internationally comparable. Such data is not yet available, which makes it difficult to raise consumer awareness of this cost-intensive process.

As the questionnaire is targeting e-commerce businesses, we would like to kindly ask European-based companies to directly participate in the survey and e-commerce associations from Europe to share it with their members/contacts. The link to the study can also be shared via social media. All participants will get access to a final study report gathering data from operators across Europe, which can be used to improve decision-making and benchmarking processes.

The survey is anonymous, and all information will only be used for scientific purposes. It should take about 12-15 minutes to fill in and is available here.

The survey requests some information that is necessary for the data analysis. Among others, it is recommended to have an estimate of the following parameters in 2020 available:

  • Number of outbound shipments (shipments sent to customers)
  • Number of returned shipments
  • Number of returned items
  • Your item-based return rate
  • Your company’s e-commerce revenue.

The deadline for submitting contributions is 31 May 2021.

For more information on the survey, please contact Maike Jansen at maikejansen@ecommerce-europe.eu or Dr. Björn Asdecker at bjoern.asdecker@uni-bamberg.de.


You can find the Survey here.