von | Nov 10, 2021 | News, Verbandspositionen

Overview Implementation Sales of Goods Directive

On 20 May 2019, the Sales of Goods Directive was published in the official journal of the European Union. By 1 July 2021 Member States had to adopt and publish the measures necessary to comply with this Directive and they will apply those measures from 1 January 2022. Several provisions of the Directive allow Member States to deviate from the Directive when transposing it in national legislation. Members of both Ecommerce Europe and EuroCommerce have provided information about the national transposition of the file. Please find the overview below.


Implementation table Price Indication Directive (PID)

Ecommerce Europe and EuroCommerce have jointly asked for feedback from their members about the implementation of the amendments to the PID in the Omnibus Directive
Please find the feedback below


Über Ecommerce Europe

Ecommerce Europe is the sole voice of the European Digital Commerce sector. As a result of joining forces with EMOTA, Ecommerce Europe now represents, via its  25 national associations, more than 100,000 companies selling goods and services online to consumers in Europe. Ecommerce Europe acts at European level to help legislators create a better framework for online merchants, so that their sales can grow further.