Ecommerce Europe’s Position Paper on a Digital Euro

von | Jan. 30, 2024 | News, Verbandspositionen

Ecommerce Europe published its position paper on the Regulation on the establishment of the #DigitalEuro. The digital euro has the potential to transform European payments – increasing efficiency, promoting innovation and placing Europe at the forefront of payments technology globally. Under the right conditions, a digital euro could also be an important step for the inclusive digitalisation of our economy.

Two conditions to unlock this potential:
👉 We should not replicate the compensation framework of existing private payment methods, and instead create a new incentive structure which leverages a future publicly owned infrastructure, with the right safeguard for merchants.
👉We must leverage the unique characteristics of this new public infrastructure to unlock benefits unavailable with legacy systems. Digital euro can bring forth faster and inexpensive transactions, greater innovation, and a more inclusive, accessible and consumer-centric solution.

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You can download the full position here: 

Ecommerce Europe