Discussion on joint activities for the 2022 common priorities: sustainable consumption and strengthening Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Discussion on joint activities for the 2022 common priorities: sustainable consumption and strengthening Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
At the European Consumer Summit, set to take place in Strasbourg, France on 10 February, we will discuss common priorities for 2022. At the previous CPAG meeting, we have talked about 1) sustainable consumption and 2) strengthening Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
To focus our work around these priorities throughout the year, we propose to undertake some joint activities. The format of these activities is open, and the number of organisations working together as well.
We could foresee, for instance, the organisation of a peer-to-peer learning session on a specific innovative, successful experience a consumer organisation or business has had in the areas of sustainable consumption or strengthening ADR. We could also think of a mentoring activity, where one organisation or business supports another in the implementation of a new action in these areas –the involvement of academic experts can also be part of the activities. We could work together amongst CPAG Delegates and Commission, but it would also be possible to broaden the scope and collaborate on a specific project with national authorities, or national consumer organisations. Any other suggestion is most welcome as well. At the Consumer Policy Network (where representatives from the Member States meet), and at the Policy Advisory Group -subgroup meeting, the same discussions will have taken place.
For the discussion in our meeting on 1 February, we are asking the CPAG Delegates to shortly present any ideas they might have.
Please feel free to contact Anne van Nistelrooij (anne.van-nistelrooij@ec.europa.eu), should you like to discuss this in advance, and to let us know you are planning on presenting an idea.
You can download the One-pager here (PDF)