Digitalization of postal transport documents (individual consignment level)

von | Aug. 23, 2022 | News, News Mitglieder

Further #harmonization in the European postal #market (courier, express, #parcel and #postal delivery) is needed which builds on previous work in the field of electronic advanced data (#EAD) for #transport security and #customs in the #UPU global postal #network, as well as work done in the #EU for #VAT #ecommerce #legislation and transport security (#ICS2). 

Whenever #B2C supplies are collected, consolidated for freight and #transport, received for sortation, and dispatched for final #delivery according to the preferences of the end #recipient, the mandatory #electronicdata elements which are currently exchanged in advance (as part of the UPU Global Data Model, the EU Customs Data Model, or IATA’s Preloading Advance Cargo Information (#PLACI)) are minimum #requirements. They represent only the starting point for future harmonization. 

The 2-digit growth in B2C #supply volumes which is expected to continue over the next 5 years, as #retail switches to managed interconnected and #datadriven retail, requires advanced #dataexchange on the #content of #consignments as well as the means of delivery. 

In addition to the mandatory minimum data elements requirement, this  will include:
· Unique #description and #declaration of the goods/merchandise at item level
o Conformity statements by senders/manufacturers, or
o Statement of compliance with national and harmonized regional regulation and #legislation
o Allocation of the correct duties and charges
· Unique #transport identification: a unique #barcode (even in a multi-delivery operator #environment) allowing authorities or logistic providers to access data at item level, as necessary
· #CO2 and #greenhousegasemissions allocated at #itemlevel, allowing
#measurement and #reporting at item level 
#allocation of #additional costs (or related compensation)
· Type, size, and re-useability of #packaging used for both the #merchandise and the container in any B2C #supply

#Digitalization of postal transport #documents is a new standardization deliverable within the European Committee for Standardization (#CEN). It promotes #interoperability between national #networks and supports an #efficient #universal postal service in #Europe. It is the #foundation for mandatory digital end-to-end service level #execution at postal item level (from collection/hand-over to the first #logistic operators, to final delivery to the end recipient). The goal is to provide the #transportsecurity#productsafety, and environmentally sound delivery of B2C supplies needed for a fully functioning internal #digital market.

Click here for the LinkedIn-Article.

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Walter Trezek

Walter Trezek

Document Exchange Network GmbH