Digital Services Act: Ecommerce Europe’s comments
on the ongoing negotiations
Ecommerce Europe strongly encourages the Digital Services Act’s (DSA) ambition to introduce a harmonised framework for regulating online content. However, developments in the legislative process have raised concerns about amendments suggested in both the Council’s General Approach as well as in the Compromise Amendments that have circulated for the Report of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) in the European Parliament. With this Paper, Ecommerce Europe would like to share its views on the most relevant issues in the current debate and their impact on the e-commerce sector.
Über Ecommerce Europe
Ecommerce Europe is the sole voice of the European Digital Commerce sector. As a result of joining forces with EMOTA, Ecommerce Europe now represents, via its 25 national associations, more than 100,000 companies selling goods and services online to consumers in Europe. Ecommerce Europe acts at European level to help legislators create a better framework for online merchants, so that their sales can grow further.