B2B2C: by 2027, 75% of all B2C supplies managed through interconnected fulfillment

von | Aug. 8, 2022 | News, News Mitglieder

The #trade dispute between the #EuropeanUnion/ North America and Southeast Asia (primarily #China) which was emerging even prior to the #COVID-19 #pandemic has now intensified. This has had a particular #impact on the delivery of #commercial items ordered #online (#B2C supply/#ecommerce).
The pandemic brought #disruption to intercontinental supply chains. Now the #war in #Ukraine, weakening of the #euro#energy and #foodprice rises, and financial #speculation are all increasing the #pressure on trade.

Consumers’ disposable income has shrunk by 7% to 10%

The direct consequence of these #crises is a significant #fall in the available #income of consumers, still searching for ways to meet their continued high levels of #demand.

Accelerating digitalization of retail 

During the pandemic, the pace of #digitalization in retail picked up speed. Now this #development is accelerating. Global #harmonization of #supplychainmanagement and #retail fulfillment at individual #parcel level is focused on the #customer. Commercial item #delivery and its associated #infrastructure is being optimized to meet customers’ specific delivery #preferences

China shows us the future of retail

As early as 2020, more than half of all #retail goods in advanced, digitalized retail #markets were delivered via networked and centrally managed #supplychains, at individual item level, and from the closest possible #locations to the end consumer’s #delivery address. 

Decision-makers, legislators and business are developing networked systems

Even before the pandemic, work was underway to establish the #foundations for efficient and transparent, global #trade networks designed to meet the preferences of the end consumer. #International and European #regulations have now been established as the basis for #digitalizing these #networks. This electronic advance data (#EAD) is now being increasingly harmonized, more intensively #networking supply chains and retail items globally.

2027: 75% of all B2C supplies managed by interconnected supply chains

The opening of the Universal Postal Union (#UPU) global #postalnetwork#digitalization of the European delivery market, and using digitalization to make #commercial item delivery more environmentally friendly and #sustainable, is bringing further efficiency gains. Less than 20% of retail is directly managed by today’s physical #outlets.
The resultant cost savings, paired with more #efficient networked and completely harmonized retail supply chains, can partly compensate for recent #cost pressures caused by the pandemic and the Ukraine crisis. The available #data also gives state institutions the tools for implementing any necessary #policy #measures.

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Walter Trezek

Walter Trezek

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