UPU Consultative Commitee: ready to represent the wider postal sector
Postal #stakeholders that are not #public #postal operators, designated by the Universal Postal Union (#UPU) member #countries, or postal #regulators can now add their voice to the UPU’s deliberations through the Consultative Committee (#CC). The Committee represents the interests of the wider postal sector and provides a #framework for #effective dialogue.
The Consultative Committee offers two types of #membership, each with its own particular benefits and fees:
· Non-governmental organizations wishing to apply for membership of the CC (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of #fees defined by the CC)
· #Individual #companies wishing to apply for membership of the CC (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of fees defined by the CC) in one of the following three categories:
o Gold member
o Silver member
o Bronze member
Six thematic chapters have been established to complement the new structure of the Consultative Committee, as of 1 July 2022:
1. #Policy and #regulations: liaison with CA C 2 and the POC C 1 Standards Board;
2. #Freight and #transport: liaison with the POC C 1 Transport Group (and subgroups for different transport modes);
3. #Customs and #productsecurity: liaison with the POC C 1 Customs Group and Postal Security Group;
4. Addressing and #directmarketing: liaison with the POC C 1 Addressing Group and POC C 3 Direct Marketing Advisory Board;
5. E-commerce: liaison with CA C 3, POC C 2 and POC C 3; and
6. #Postal financial services: liaison with POC C 4.
The work of the CC will be conducted according to these thematic chapters, which reflect the membership structure of the CC. Each thematic chapter will be represented by a rapporteur. The rapporteur will be elected and appointed by the CC to:
i. represent the thematic chapter,
ii. present any opinions developed by the CC and provide input to the relevant CA and POC committees and working groups,
iii. report to the CC and its members, and
iv. propose appropriate responses to and positions on work proposals and working drafts. Sub-themes and sub-rapporteurs may be created in the #future.
Any requests for membership of the CC, as submitted by the entities or high-level figures, shall be accompanied by the prior written #authorization or #recommendation of the corresponding #Union member country and will be processed by the CC #secretariat.
Visit home page of the Consultative Committee
Click here for the LinkedIn-Article.
Walter Trezek
Document Exchange Network GmbH