Pressemitteilungen News

BdKEP e.V. and logistic-natives e.V. have been re-elected for the third time as members of the Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF)1 of the European Commission / GENERAL DIRECTORATE MOBILITY AND TRANSPORT (DG MOVE)

PRESS RELEASElogistic-natives e.V. 30. August 2024BdKEP e.V. and logistic-natives e.V. have been re-elected for the third time as members of the Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF)1 of the European Commission / GENERAL DIRECTORATE MOBILITY AND TRANSPORT (DG...

Pressemitteilung – logistic-natives e.V. hat einen neuen Partner: Infrastruktur Gesundheitssystem (InGes)

PRESSEMITTEILUNGlogistic-natives e.V. Berlin, 18. Januar 2024logistic-natives e.V. hat einen neuen Partner: Infrastruktur Gesundheitssystem (InGes) Fast täglich gibt es neue Meldungen von Bundesminister Karl Lauterbach für das Gesundheitswesen. Vieles davon trägt...

Making repair the most attractive option for consumers & businesses

EuroCommerce supports the establishment of a culture of repair and reuse in Europe. Following the Commission’s proposal on rules promoting the repair of goods released yesterday, the association asks EU decision makers to make the right to repair the most economically...

Main priorities for the Digital Commerce Sector in 2023

Today, as we celebrate Ecommerce Europe’s 10-year anniversary, we are thrilled to present our priorities for the year 2023 in our newly published Priority Paper. Ecommerce Europe’s Secretary General, Luca Cassetti, commented: “Our association has always strived to...