Today, as we celebrate Ecommerce Europe’s 10-year anniversary, we are thrilled to present our priorities for the year...

Today, as we celebrate Ecommerce Europe’s 10-year anniversary, we are thrilled to present our priorities for the year...
Consultation on Principles for CC enhancement. Response by logistic-natives e.V., member of the UPU Consultative...
Ms. Lenka DupákováChair of the Council’s Working Party on Consumer Protection and Information Members of the Council’s...
Pressemitteilung Berlin, den 23.05.2022 Der logistic-natives e.V., das internationale Netzwerk für Logistik und...
11 May 2022 PRESS RELEASE Commission misses the mark on VBER revision: SMEs are faced with unworkable rules Yesterday,...
Datengestützte Ökologisierung des modernen Handels logistic-natives e.V. startet Praxisinitiative "datengestützte...
Press Release23 February 2022 Data Act: a strict regulatory regime will not help create a competitive EU data economy...
Pressemitteilung Regensburg, 10. Februar 2022 Online-Händler:innen sehen Nutzen des EU-E-Commerce-Pakets...
Hintergrundinformationen der logistic-nativeszum Thema: Poststandardisierung – eine strategische Priorität fürdie...
Background information logistic-natives: Postal Standardization – a strategic priority of the European UnionThe annual...
PRESSEMITTEILUNGlogistic-natives e.V. 03. Februar 2022Der logistic-natives e.V. begrüsst die strategische Priorität...
Press Release Single VAT ID RegistrationTowards a Unified VAT Solution 6 October 2021 Ecommerce Europe and...