News News

Joint Retail Statement on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Directive

Joint Retail Statement on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Directive May 2024  Download the Joint Statement here (pdf)Tel. +49 162-2561001

Industry calls for clearer VAT guidance on charitable donations for social and sustainability goals

Industry calls for clearer VAT guidance on charitable donations for social and sustainability goals In a letter co-signed with American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU), Accountancy Europe and CFE Tax Advisers Europe, Ecommerce Europe has asked...

Digital Commerce: Our Vision for Europe´s Future

Digital Commerce: Our Vision for Europe´s Future Manifesto for European Elections 2024Lade hier das Manifest herunter (PDF)Tel. +49 162-2561001

Handlungsempfehlungen & Übersicht als Nachgang zum Verbändegespräch im Bundesministerium der Finanzen am 10. April 2024 – logistic-natives e.V.

Einzelhandel / individueller Konsum in der EU: politische Grundsatzentscheidungen fehlenLade hier das Papier herunter (PDF)Tel. +49 162-2561001