Verbandspositionen News

European Commission’s new proposal for a Directive on consumer credits – state of play

European Commission’s new proposal for a Directive on consumer credits – state of play Action 10 of the New Consumer Agenda states the Commission plans to prepare a proposal for the revision of theConsumer Credit Directive (as well as the Distance Marketing of...

Sustainable Consumption Pledge – state of play

Sustainable Consumption Pledge – state of play As foreseen in the New Consumer Agenda adopted in November 2020, the Commission invites companies to take voluntary pledges to actions in support of sustainable consumption, beyond what is required by law.It complements...

Initiative on empowering consumers in the green transition – state of play

Initiative on empowering consumers in the green transition – state of play BackgroundThe initiative on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition, Action 4 in the New Consumer Agenda, aims at enhancing consumer rights by enabling consumers to take informed...

Discussion on joint activities for the 2022 common priorities: sustainable consumption and strengthening Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Discussion on joint activities for the 2022 common priorities: sustainable consumption and strengthening Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) At the European Consumer Summit, set to take place in Strasbourg, France on 10 February, we will discuss common...

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