In Germany, DPD and Hermes (PostNL’s network partner in DE) are currently battling “difficult market conditions”,...

In Germany, DPD and Hermes (PostNL’s network partner in DE) are currently battling “difficult market conditions”,...
Wann? Donnerstag, 11. April 2024, 10:00 - 16:00 UhrWo? Apothekertrakt | Schloss Schönbrunn, 1130 Wien...
Here is a slightly updated version of the Ecommerce Europe voting recommendations to the Amendments tabled by IMCO to...
Get your business on track this year with Spring GDS! Our Delivery, Returns and Customs Clearance Solutions are...
Sicheren Sie sich noch eines der letzten Tickets zum #DigitalGipfel in Jena!„Digitale Transformation in der...
Scrollen, surfen, liken, posten: Knapp 1,2 Mio. blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen in Deutschland (Stand 2005) sind...
1 week passed since I arrived home after my 3 weeks business trip to wonderful green and SUSTAINABLE Germany.It was an...
Bei unseren Kollegen von Erfolgreich handeln findet nächste Woche der #Workshop "Einstieg in den #ECommerce" statt!...
On #WorldPostDay, United Nations News Kiswahili interviewed the UPU’s Director of Development Cooperation, Mutua...
(Grafik: Initiative D21 / LinkedIn) Die digitale Transformation der #Verwaltung geht an vielen Stellen voran, doch bei...
Drei Tage Impulse aus aller Welt zum Thema Zollmanagement auf der Technology-Konferenz der World Customs Organization...
Dear freinds, this is a call to all of you, wherever you are to stand a minute of silence on Sunday the 15.10 at 10 am...