Ecommerce Europe published its position paper on the Regulation on the establishment of the #DigitalEuro. The digital...

Ecommerce Europe published its position paper on the Regulation on the establishment of the #DigitalEuro. The digital...
PRESSEMITTEILUNGlogistic-natives e.V. Berlin, 18. Januar 2024logistic-natives e.V. hat einen neuen Partner:...
Ecommerce Europe published its position paper on the proposed Payment Services Regulation underlining the need for...
Statement of the UPU Director General, Masahiko Metoki, following the attack on postal infrastructure and the shelling...
Bereit für einen inspirierenden Tag voller Innovationen mit Praxisbezug? Am 9. November 2023 von 13 bis 22 Uhr im...
CONTRA SUBUNTERNEHMERVERBOT:BdKEP Bundesverband der Kurier-Express-Post-Dienste e.V.Mitgliederinfo 17. Oktober 2023...
Expand your reach to Canada and tap into one of the world's richest markets! 🇨🇦 With Spring GDS's DDP solution, you...
Ecommerce Europe co-signed an industry letter on the Product Liability Directive ahead of the start of the trilogue...
Our first ever Tech Summit came to life last friday and around 90 colleagues listened to sessions about Kubernetes,...
📢 LivingPackets is proud to be a member of the GENERATE network! 💪 We are delighted to announce our participation in...
It’s Here – Your Full 62-Page Showguide – A – Z Exhibitor Listings for This Record-Breaking Show – follow the link to...
Do you have logistics questions about shipping and/or receiving your parcels? We will be happy to give you answers at...