Verbandspositionen News

Task force on the opening up of the UPU to wider postal sector players

Consultation on Principles for CC enhancement. Response by logistic-natives e.V., member of the UPU Consultative Committee. At S2, the Council of Administration endorsed the approach on institutional reform proposed by the task force, with a view to developing...

Concerns on extension of withdrawal button to all distance sales without proper impact assessment

Ms. Lenka DupákováChair of the Council’s Working Party on Consumer Protection and Information Members of the Council’s Working Party on Consumer Protection and Information Ms. Blanca Rodriguez Galindo Acting Director, Directorate E Consumers DG JUST, European...

Position paper on the EU Data Act

Read our position paper on the EU Data Act Ecommerce Europe welcomes the European Commission’s ambition to remove barriers to access data and encourage data sharing, while preserving incentives to invest in data generation. However, Ecommerce Europe believes that the...

Press Release – Ecommerce Europe supports removing customs duties from Ukraine

22 June 2022 In the context of the war in Ukraine that started in February 2022, the EU has published a Regulation 2022/870 on temporary trade liberalisation supplementing trade concessions applicable to Ukrainian products[1] on 3 June 2022. With an exceptionally...

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