Verbandspositionen News

Stellungnahme logistic-natives e.V. Eckpunkte des BMWK für eine Novelle des Postgesetzes zum 10.03.2023

Hier geht es zum Download der Stellungnahme (PDF) "Stellungnahme logistic-natives e.V. Eckpunkte des BMWK für eine Novelle des Postgesetzes zum 10.03.2023"Stellungnahme logistic-natives e.V. Eckpunkte des BMWK für eine Novelle des Postgesetzes zum 10.03.2023 Berlin,...

Ecommerce Europe’s feedback to the DAC7 consultation on equivalence

Ecommerce Europe’s consolidated response to the European Commission’s call for feedback on the draft Implementing Regulation on criteria for information reported by platforms to non-EU countries and exchanged with Member States. With the Implementing Regulation, the...

Ecommerce Europe | E-REGULATIONS | Final position paper fitness check EU consumer law

Here is the final position paper for the public consultation on the fitness check of EU Consumer law as well as the questionnaire we submitted. You can also find it on our website. Ecommerce Europe would like to thank everyone for sending their feedback.  Our next...

Ecommerce Europe co-signs joint industry statement on the EU Data Act

Ecommerce Europe co-signed a joint industry statement on the EU Data Act together with 12 other associations, representing start-ups, SMEs, e-commerce industries and technology. In the statement, Ecommerce Europe and our co-signatories express our concerns regarding...