💶 #EcommerceEurope signed a Joint Statement within the Merchant Payments Coalition Europe underlining the potential of...
Associations representing the airline, hospitality and retail sectors are closely following recent changes to Google...
Recommendations to improve the interpretation of and compliance with Article 6a of the 2019 Price Indication Directive
Last week, European retail associations Ecommerce Europe, EuroCommerce and Independent Retail Europe finalised a...
Position paper on the proposal for a General Product Safety Regulation
Key points Introduce a more risk-based and proportionate approach Ensure feasibility and clarity of the new...
VAT ONE STOP SHOP 2.0 – Joint Paper Single VAT ID-Dokument
The Situation While great progress has been made with a VAT ONE STOP SHOP 1.0, the current EU VAT system still...
Data Act: a strict regulatory regime will not help create a competitive EU data economy
Press Release23 February 2022 Data Act: a strict regulatory regime will not help create a competitive EU data economy...
Pressemitteilung – Auswirkungen des EU-E-Commerce-Pakets
Pressemitteilung Regensburg, 10. Februar 2022 Online-Händler:innen sehen Nutzen des EU-E-Commerce-Pakets...
Hintergrundinformationen der logistic-natives zum Thema: Poststandardisierung – eine strategische Priorität für die Europäische Union
Hintergrundinformationen der logistic-nativeszum Thema: Poststandardisierung – eine strategische Priorität fürdie...
Background information logistic-natives: Postal Standardization – a strategic priority of the European Union
Background information logistic-natives: Postal Standardization – a strategic priority of the European UnionThe annual...
PM – Der logistic-natives e.V. begrüsst die strategische Priorität der Poststandardisierung durch die Europäische Union
PRESSEMITTEILUNGlogistic-natives e.V. 03. Februar 2022Der logistic-natives e.V. begrüsst die strategische Priorität...
Ecommerce Europe launches Vertical Block Exemption Regulation video animation
Take part in our campaign! Dear members of Ecommerce Europe, Today, we launched a full animation video on the Vertical...
Position Paper on the Artificial Intelligence Act
Introduction On 21 April 2021, the European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised...