Verbandspositionen News

Position paper on the proposal for a General Product Safety Regulation

Key points Introduce a more risk-based and proportionate approach Ensure feasibility and clarity of the new obligations for economic operators Improve the quality of notices to increase effectiveness of recall mechanisms Strengthen national market surveillance and...

VAT ONE STOP SHOP 2.0 – Joint Paper Single VAT ID-Dokument

The Situation While great progress has been made with a VAT ONE STOP SHOP 1.0, the current EU VAT system still disadvantages millions of small and medium-sized enterprises by leaving out an important aspect of EU trade. The Problem Businesses that place their own...

Data Act: a strict regulatory regime will not help create a competitive EU data economy

Press Release23 February 2022 Data Act: a strict regulatory regime will not help create a competitive EU data economy Today, the European Commission has adopted its Proposal for a Regulation on ensuring fairness in the allocation of value across the data economy...

Pressemitteilung – Auswirkungen des EU-E-Commerce-Pakets

Pressemitteilung Regensburg, 10. Februar 2022 Online-Händler:innen sehen Nutzen des EU-E-Commerce-Pakets zwiegespaltenAm 1. Juli 2021 ist die bisher größte Mehrwertsteuerreform für EU-weiten Online-Handel in Kraft getreten. ibi research an der Universität Regensburg...

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