Verbandspositionen News

Position paper on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

Ecommerce Europe welcomes the publication of the proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. 📦 Measures aimed at the reduction of packaging in retail have to take into consideration the multiple tradeoffs that take place when defining the most...

Ecommerce Europe’s comments to the ongoing negotiations on the Artificial Intelligence Act

On 25 April, Ecommerce Europe shared its comments on the Artificial Intelligence Act with EU policymakers where we provided key recommendations that we would like to see included in the final text of the AI Act: 📌 Adoption of the new definition of AI systems to ensure...

Ecommerce Europe´s feedback on the VAT in the Digital Age proposal

We published our position paper on the VAT in the Digital Age proposal! Responding to the Commission’s call for feedback, Ecommerce Europe submitted its position in support of the proposal’s aim to deliver a simplified and modernised VAT system in the EU. In...

State of Play of the European Commission’s Draft Adequacy Decision on the new EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

Download the Briefing (PDF) "State of Play of the European Commission’s Draft Adequacy Decision on the new EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework" 1. Introduction On 13 December 2022, the European Commission published its draft adequacy decision on the future of international...