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Column on the single VAT registration for Europe in the 23rd edition of Cross-Border Magazine

The President of Ecommerce Europe, Mr. Wijnand Jongen, contributed to the 23rd edition of Cross-Border Magazine with a column on the single VAT registration for Europe. Read it below and download the full magazine hereMore on

DIN Norm „SPEC 91459 Produkt- und Prozessanforderungen im freien Postmarkt

Der Entwurf der DIN Norm "SPEC 91459 Produkt- und Prozessanforderungen im freien Postmarkt" steht noch bis zum 26.9.2022 zu kommentierung im Netz.Mehr auf

Netcomm publishes figures on Italian e-commerce

Ecommerce Europe’s Italian member, Consorzio Netcomm, released a study on the state of play of e-commerce in the Italian economy. As the publication’s title suggests, shoppers in Italy are increasingly enjoying a multichannel experience, with digital commerce becoming...

Ecommerce Europe’s e-Regulations Working Committee

Today, I had the pleasure to exceptionally chair Ecommerce Europe's e-Regulations Working Committee. Together with our members in Brussels and connected in videoconference from all over Europe, we discussed several issues that are important for #digital #retailers, in...