PRESS RELEASElogistic-natives e.V. 30. August 2024BdKEP e.V. and logistic-natives e.V. have been re-elected for the...
EU businesses’ competitiveness impacted by current cards payments landscape – a call for urgent action
Subject: EU businesses’ competitiveness impacted by current cards payments landscape – a call forurgent action...
Ecommerce Europe – a call for urgent action
EU businesses’ competitiveness impacted by current cards payments landscape – a call for urgent action Jul 8, 2024 📢...
Wachstumschancengesetz verabschieden. Wir fordern die Auflösung der Blockade im Bundesrat.
Wachstumschancengesetz verabschieden.Wir fordern die Auflösung der Blockade im Bundesrat. Berlin, 18.02.2024 An...
Swift adoption of VAT in the Digital Age in the current mandate
In a joint letter co-signed with EuroCommerce, we have asked the ECOFIN Council led by the Belgian Presidency of the...
Ecommerce Europe’s Position Paper on a Digital Euro
Ecommerce Europe published its position paper on the Regulation on the establishment of the #DigitalEuro. The digital...
ECOM PSR position paper
Ecommerce Europe published its position paper on the proposed Payment Services Regulation underlining the need for...
Ecommerce Europe voting recommendations on IMCO AMs to draft Report on Toy Safety Regulation
Here is a slightly updated version of the Ecommerce Europe voting recommendations to the Amendments tabled by IMCO to...
An obligation to indicate online a product passport linked to a specific batch number is impractical and unduly burdens economic operators
Ecommerce Europe and other co-signatories drafted a joint statement on the European Commission's proposed regulation...
Joint open letter to co-legislators, calling for ‘close to zero fees’ to make digital euro remuneration work for consumers and merchants
Joint open letter to co-legislators, calling for ‘close to zero fees’ to make digital euro remuneration work for...
Stellungnahme des logistic-natives e.V. zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Modernisierung des Postrechts
Hier geht es zum Download der Stellungnahme (PDF) "Stellungnahme des logistic-natives e.V. zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes...
Ecommerce Europe’s suggestion for amendments to the IMCO draft report on UCC Revision
Ecommerce Europe welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the European Parliament’s Internal Market and...