Verbandspositionen News

Positionspapier – Forderung eines offenen, harmonisierten Messsystems von weltweiter CO²- und THG-Emissionen im Postmarkt

Verbandsposition Aus Sicht der logistic-natives ist ein weltweit offenes und harmonisierendes Messsystem Voraussetzung, um eine harmonisierte Messung und Berichterstattung von CO²- und THG-Emissionen für den gesamten Postsektor sicherzustellen. Dies, um den dazu...

Data-driven & ecologically-sound commerce

Data-driven & ecologically-sound commerce logistic-natives e.V., an international logistics infrastructure network for modern commerce whose members are predominantly German SMEs, but include entities from Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria as well, is...

Ecommerce Europe’s reply to the Call for evidence on the revision of the EU Waste Framework

Position paper 22 February 2022 Ecommerce Europe’s reply to the Call for evidence on the revision of the EU Waste Framework You can download the Position paper here (PDF)

Position Paper on Extended Producer Responsibility

Position Paper on Extended Producer Responsibility Call for the setting-up of a multi-stakeholder group for the simplification and harmonisation of EPR You can download the One-pager here (PDF)

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