Verbandspositionen News

Urgent request to take into account the nature of a service for VLOPs determination in the DSA and to provide clarity on implementation timeline

Brussels, 2 June 2022 Re: Urgent request to take into account the nature of a service for VLOPs determination in the DSA and to provide clarity on implementation timeline Dear Mr. de Graaf,Dear Mr. Agarwal, We are writing to you in light of the finalisation of the...

logistic-natives e.V. is a new member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU)

Press release Berlin, May 23, 2022 The logistic-natives e.V., the international network for logistics and infrastructure in modern trade, has been a member of the Universal Postal Union since last Friday.The Universal Postal Union, by resolution of the plenary session...

logistic-natives e.V. ist neues Mitglied des Weltpostvereins (WPV)

Pressemitteilung Berlin, den 23.05.2022 Der logistic-natives e.V., das internationale Netzwerk für Logistik und Infrastruktur im modernen Handel, ist seit letztem Freitag Mitglied des Weltpostvereins.Der Weltpostverein, mit Beschluss der Plenarsitzung des Council of...

Press Release – Commission misses the mark on VBER revision: SMEs are faced with unworkable rules

11 May 2022 PRESS RELEASE Commission misses the mark on VBER revision: SMEs are faced with unworkable rules Yesterday, the European Commission published the final revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and the Vertical Guidelines. The revision intended...

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